MLCCC Fall Into Giving Donation Campaign 2021
2021 MLCCC Donation Campaign
The Main Line Chinese Culture Center (MLCCC) is a nonprofit Corporation that meets the requirements of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The center is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3). Contributions to the center are tax-deductible under section 170 of the Code.
While tuition payments and generous donated volunteer hours from dedicated parents of students have enabled the entity to provide quality educational programs, the nonprofit is on a drive to increase its outreach to other segments of the Greater Philadelphia area (in particular, to support under-served children) as well as to enhance its overall programming efforts.
As such, please consider joining other organizations like the Shirley and Morrison C. Boyd Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation, the Russell Byers Charter School, and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts that have decided to help support the Main Line Chinese Culture Center. The MLCCC is officially listed under the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania's Donor Choice Program. This listing means that donors like you can designate a gift/donation to MLCCC via Donor Choice during the United Way annual campaign. MLCCC's donor Choice identification number is Code #45966. Please please fill in this Code and follow the directions on the form provided to you by your company's United Way staff.
For direct donations to MLCCC, a faster and easier way is by clicking the Donate button at the left column of this page and donate either with a credit card or through a PayPal account.
When donating by check, please make your checks payable to Main Line Chinese Culture Center. If your employer has a matching gift program, please attach a form (usually obtainable from your employer's website or the HR department) with the check. Please mail all your contributions to:
All donors will receive acknowledgments as receipts for tax purposes. The official registration and financial information of Main Line Chinese Culture Center, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Thank you for your continued interest and support!
There are many ways to make a donation to MLCCC:
MLCCC's United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania's Donor Choice identification number is #45966.
Donate by Venmo
Donate by Paypal (Friends)
Drop your check at the front desk, or mail to:
Main Line Chinese Culture Center, Inc.P. O. Box 745, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Please check out your employer's matching gift program to maximize your donation to the MLCCC.
(For example, Johnson & Johnson, PJM, all have double gif-match donations, so, take advantage of this option to maximize the donation to MLCCC)
Your donation is entirely tax-deductible. You can obtain MLCCC's financial information by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999.
Please ask us for an official donation receipt.
Thank you!
目前在校生近300人,兼职老师及管理人员近50名, 有完善的多族裔的理事会, 家长教师联盟(PTO), 热情奔放的TAs和精简的管理团队。
明朗开设的课程包括中文母语,中文第2外语,以及舞蹈,书法,绘画,功夫等全方位的中国语言和文化方面的服务。特别值得一提明朗第2外国语的汉语教学的课程全面,班级层次比较完整,受到了社区非母语家庭的赞同和欢迎。除此之外,明朗还与当地学生在当地学区的学习配合,开设有编程,动画,辩论,演讲, 手工制作,等等强化性课外科目,受到家长和孩子们的欢迎。明朗最为引以自豪的就是我们的社区服务文化交流与传播服务。多年来,明朗利用各大传统节日,开展社区文化交流服务,履行请进来,走出去的方针,尤其是明朗一年一度的春节联欢晚会和文化游园更是受到社区多样化家庭的期待和欢迎,参与度很高,也受到当地中英文媒体的关注和报道。
明朗中国文化中心作为一个中国文化的使者,会加倍努力,继往开来,为传播,传承中国语言和文化, 为促进中美文化交流贡献自己的一份力量。
感谢你的关爱, 感谢你的支持!
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