美国华人联盟心理健康项目 UCA WAVES 总第 19 期: 9月是预防自杀月


美国华人联盟心理健康项目 UCA WAVES 总第 19 期

September is Suicide Prevention Month 预防自杀月


据世界卫生组织的2021年公布的数据,每年有70.3万人自杀身亡,许多人自杀未遂。自杀是影响家人、社区和整个国家的悲剧,对死者亲友造成持久的影响。自杀发生在生命周期的各个阶段。2019年,自杀是全球15-29岁年龄组中第四大死亡原因。 据CDC公布的数据,在美国,2022年,自杀是10-64岁人群死亡的前九大原因之一,是10-14岁和25-34岁人群的第二大死因。 然而,自杀可以预防的。

According to data released by the World Health Organization in 2021, 703,000 people die by suicide each year, with many more attempting suicide. Suicide is a tragedy that affects families, communities, and entire nations, leaving lasting impacts on the loved ones of those who have died. Suicides occur across all stages of life; in 2019, it was the fourth leading cause of death globally among individuals aged 15-29.

In the United States, according to the CDC, suicide was among the top nine leading causes of death for people aged 10-64 in 2022, and it was the second leading cause of death for those aged 10-14 and 25-34.

Suicide is preventable, and Everyone can be a suicide preventionist.


On September 10th, World Suicide Prevention Day, the Garner Performing Arts Center in North Carolina hosted a special event organized by Alliance Health, Wake County Government, and NC partners, focusing on suicide prevention and mental health support.



The event featured the screening of the documentary Moving America's Soul on Suicide, aimed at raising awareness about suicide prevention and providing support to individuals and families affected by mental health challenges.

The film shared the remarkable stories of men and women who have triumphed over trauma, pain, and mental health challenges. It explores what leads a person to these dark places, but more importantly, shines a light on how to help them find their way back. 

As part of the event planning committee member, WAVES executive director Lily Chen and volunteer Lily Liu attended the event and watched the video along with over 100 people from across North Carolina.

The 70-minute film shared deeply moving stories of individuals who overcame mental

health struggles, resonating with many audience members. The powerful narratives brought home the message that anyone can face moments of vulnerability, highlighting the importance of recognizing that mental health challenges can affect anyone.

The documentary shown at the event - Moving America Soul on Suicide, has been available on YouTube for over seven months and has been viewed more than 1 million times.

 The 2024 Suicide Prevention Month Toolkit 自杀预防月工具包






2. 情绪焦躁,容易被激怒,行为鲁莽。

3. 会谈论担心成为别人的负担。

4. 会谈论感到被困住或承受无法忍受的痛苦。

5. 对于烟酒上瘾。

6. 谈论活着没意思没希望。

7. 睡眠过多或过少。

8. 与他人疏远,或感觉被孤立。

9. 表现出愤怒,或谈论复仇。

10. 表现出极端情绪波动。

How You Can Help

Educate yourself and others about suicide prevention: Learn the warning signs and risk factors for suicide, how to support someone considering suicide, and familiarize yourself with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Visit the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC): Each year, the SPRC creates a resource full of ways to get involved in Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. 



EVERYONE can play a role in suicide prevention. Know the warning signs of suicide and be the 1 to offer support. Seek help for yourself or others by calling or texting 988 (English)or 1-800-881-8502 (Chinese) or chatting with 988Lifeline.org.


Identifying AAPI Health Disparity Research - Focus Group

8月30日,为了更好的了解北卡亚裔居民的健康需求和障碍在Blue Cross NC Foundation 公司的基金资助下,UCA WAVES在北卡州Morrisville 举办了一场焦点小组讨论会,是四场焦点小组讨论会的最后一场。讨论会由WAVES执行长Lily Chen主持,参加这次的讨论会都是会说粤语的华裔移民,大部分来自北卡的广东同乡会。


1. 在您的社区中,您经历或观察到的主要健康挑战是什么?

2. 您如何观察到社区中的人们克服这些挑战?

3. 您会提出哪些可行的建议来帮助克服这些挑战?


On Aug 30UCA WAVES Executive Director Lily Chen led an impactful community discussion on pressing health challenges facing North Carolina’s Chinese community. Organized by UCA WAVES, the event marked the fourth and final focus group conducted in Cantonese as part of the Identifying Health Disparity Research Project, funded by the Blue Cross NC Foundation. 

The discussion centered on three critical questions: identifying the major health challenges within the community, exploring how individuals have successfully navigated these issues, and offering actionable suggestions for overcoming them. Attendees actively engaged, sharing personal experiences and strategies that highlighted both the challenges and the resilience within the community.

Participants expressed their gratitude to UCA WAVES Director Lily Chen for her leadership, which fostered a strong sense of community and connection.

As the event concluded, there was a shared hope among attendees for more opportunities to gather and continue addressing and overcoming the health challenges within the community.


WAVES Team Member Jian Xie’s Story Featured in MHFA Newsletter

最近,心理健康急救机构(MHFA)举办故事角活动,挑选具有影响力和激励性的故事进行宣传。UCA WAVES成员解健的故事被选中并出现在其月刊上,诠释了如何化悲伤为动力造福社区的故事。

两年前,解健的一位亲密朋友的儿子自杀,这个惨痛的经历唤醒了解健对心理健康的关注。为了获取心理健康的相关知识,解健参加了UCA WAVES的培训,随后成为WAVES的志愿者,并在去年十月在达拉斯组织了与心理健康相关的本地活动,努力推动公开的对话,打破华裔社区关于心理健康的污名化问题。



As summer draws to a close, the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) community celebrates remarkable stories of resilience and impact. Among them, UCA WAVES team member Jian Xie’s journey has been prominently featured on the MHFA website, serving as a powerful example of how personal tragedy can drive transformative action. 

Two years ago, Jian faced an unimaginable loss with the suicide of a dear friend’s son. This profound experience ignited Jian’s commitment to mental health advocacy. Driven by the desire to honor this loss and foster understanding, Jian attended Training by WAVES and later started to volunteer for WAVES, and organized local events with mental health professionals last Oct. in Dallas. Her efforts aimed to create open dialogues and break down the stigma surrounding mental health issues within the community.

Jian’s dedication led her to become a certified MHFA instructor. Through this certification, she has played a crucial role in raising awareness and promoting the importance of mental health, striving to build a community where mental health receives equal attention as physical health. As we reflect on the impact of our First Aiders, Jian Xie’s journey reminds us of the positive changes that can be achieved through dedication and advocacy. 

Share your own MHFA experiences and join us in spreading the message of mental health awareness. Follow us to stay updated on the latest in mental health advocacy.


Mental Health First Aid Training Monthly Update


So far in 2024, a total of 248 people have completed training! Congratulations !! 

UCA WAVES联合 MHACC 在2023年举办了多次“精神健康急救员培训”,该培训是一门以技能为主的认证课程,由美国心理健康委员会管理。

Managed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, this certification course equips attendees with skills to recognize and respond to crises and substance abuse symptoms. Successful participants earn a globally recognized "MHFA Certificate".

The Mental Health First Aid Training Program aims to educate community members about mental health and boost their ability to prevent or handle crises, allowing them to become "mental health guardians" for themselves and their loved ones.





Asian Parents American Children with "Mental Health Conference"


10月5日,在乔治亚州亚特兰大附近的Johns Creek,NACA (The National Association of Chinese-Americans)将举办一场旨在促进亚太裔(AANHPI)社区精神健康的活动(UCA WAVES协办)——一场主题为“亚裔父母,美国孩子;我们的故事,我们的心声”的现场对话。扫海报中的二维码即可报名

As first generation Asian American immigrants, have you questioned if you’ve made the right choices on parenting? How are our children absorbing and interpreting their experiences? 

On October 5, NACA (The National Association of Chinese-Americans) will host an event (in partner with UCA WAVES) in Johns Creek, Georgia to promote mental health in the AANHPI community. Scan the barcode to register.




Let's get together to celebrate this traditional Chinese festival and explore ways to improve Mental Health in our communities.

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If you would like to learn more about mental health, and to improve your and your family's mental well-being, please click "Subscribe" to receive our monthly newsletter.

Support UCA WAVES. Thank you for Riding the WAVES with us to save young lives!

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