罗博深夏日数学聚会全美40城市巡回交流 - 费城站 07/24/2021 7PM


 - 费城站 -
7月24日,  周六, 美东时间 7:00-8:30 PM

Professor Po-Shen Loh 
Magnetizing Mathematics Likes no one!
数学是游戏, 数学是方略数学是发明,
数学是思维, 数学是人生!
感谢大家踊跃报名, 下面是到达和停车示意图

7月24日,知名数学家罗博深教授将与明朗中国文化中心在费城地区共同举办一场免费的线下亲子数学交流互动活动。活动中,罗教授将带孩子在数学游戏中体验"数学逻辑" 思考的乐趣,同时也和父母分享他对于教育和数学思维培养的看法和理念。
数学是游戏, 数学是方略数学是发明,数学是思维



活动主题:Math in Games, Strategy & Invention (数学与游戏, 策略和发明)

适合人群:5-8年级的学生和家长 (家长学生同时参加,受益更大!)      

活动时间:7月24日,  周六, 美东时间 7:00-8:30 PM

报名费用: 免费 (Donations are appreciated to absorb rental/travel expenses)


活动地址/路线:Fenimore Woods Park Pavilion, 99 Fenimore Rd, Wayne, PA 19087

场地座位有限,先报先得,请感兴趣的家长和学生抓紧时间报名, 和罗教授一起用数学启迪孩子们的人生

Innovator and Creator

Po-Shen Loh believes that anything is possible, even reinventing learning or rethinking the paradigm for pandemic control. He founded Expii, a social enterprise that improves lives through education and healthcare, which began as an innovative learning platform where students have the power to choose how they learn.

Educator and Coach

Po-Shen has been a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University since 2010, and the National Coach of the winning USA International Mathematical Olympiad team since 2014. Through travel, collaboration, and intellectual curiosity, he uncovers math in unexpected places in our everyday lives. His unconventional attitude informs his holistic approach to education and drives him to teach students of all levels, backgrounds, and ages. As an in-demand innovative teacher, he shares mathematics with the world through his live streams for students or parents, the Daily Challenge with Po-Shen Loh, and Expii.

Watch the Math in Actions (a surprise but practical use of Math)


Biographical Sketch

Po-Shen Loh is a social entrepreneur, working across the spectrum of mathematics, education, and healthcare, all around the world. He is the founder of the free personalized learning platform expii.com, a social enterprise supported by his series of online math courses that reinvent the middle school math curriculum with a focus on creative thinking. He is also a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University and the national coach of the USA International Mathematical Olympiad team. Upon the outbreak of COVID-19, he turned his mathematical attention to create NOVID, the world's first app to introduce the fundamentally different network radar paradigm for pandemic control.

Fenimore Woods Park, Wayne, PA 19087

Learn Mandarin and much more with us at MLCCC's Virtual Summer Camp, Registration is still open

Join MLCCC Summer Camp Special Class: 

Appreciate Asian Heritage and Nourish Ethnic Identity

"The Pioneering Chinese Americans"
In partnership with "美华史记". 
"Road Trip to World Civilizations"
in Partnership with UPenn Archaeological Museum


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