开启对话, 挽救生命! Wake Up! Save a Life!

开启对话, 挽救生命!

Wake Up! Save a Life!

明朗推荐这个记录片, 请家长们一定要抽时间看看,你会发现开启精神健康对话不难, 难的是 开始!一些生活中不起眼的细节会改变孩子的决定, 也会挽救一个生命!
“Wake Up interweaves the stories of four very different communities affected by suicide — college students, veterans, the LGBT community, and gun owners.

Rather than laboring on tragedy and despair, Wake Up focuses on the leaders on the frontlines of prevention, leaving viewers feeling hopeful, informed, and encouraged.

It also powerfully illustrates how positive change can be achieved when compassion is practiced over prejudice — an important and timely lesson.”

Wake Up
In partnership with the 2021 Suicide Prevention Summit
Stories from the Frontlines of Suicide Prevention

WATCH NOW it will change your mind about suicide!

UCA Mental health Webinar Recommendation:
我们的psychologist维扬 讲的特别好!

非常感谢维扬. 之后@Changfu Chang (常昌富) 也花了很多时间整理edit video because it is very time-consuming. @Paul Li  was coordinating the webinar with @栋梁教育- Ms.Li CSEDU @CYEE Tim He , a lot of “leg work” and outreach recruiting speakers and @晓虹🏖 helped with evaluation. It simply takes a village! Glad we can reuse these valuable “toolkits “ to continue to educate the community with @laura professional editing and compilations /research for other related information. The webinar was done in June last year, see below. 
To view other professionally edited videos from our previous webinars and interviews, please go to the UCA YouTube channel: 

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww关注是理解的开始! 理解是保护走在悬崖边沿生命的第一步。


中文  数学 编程 动画 绘画 民族舞蹈 歌唱,
小记者 手工 演讲
TA(全美志愿者总统奖 PVSA)
别人教书, 明朗育人!


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