UCA WAVES Mental Health First Aid 培训课程

UCA WAVES Mental Health First Aid 培训课程 名额有限,报名从速 明朗认真推荐华裔二代青少年参加这个正式的培训课程。 于其说是帮助别人,不如说这是一个很好的个人提高与进步的机会。 几年前我参加过, 我相信参加这个培训你们会受益一生! 尤其是走进大学校园的你们, 会给你们一种从容应对迎面而来的生活和学习变化的冲击!! Join UCA for the 3rd Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) – Youth training on May 9th and May16th! This is the second of our free MHFA parent training series. The training will be youth-focused, intended to educate adults on how to better support an adolescent (age 12-18) experiencing mental health challenges. This session will be held on Zoom from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm EST. You can register for this @uca.waves event by emailing Lily at lily.chen@ucausa.org . The deadline to register is April 25, 2022 – register today! ************** 明朗实地和网课并进夏令营正在招生 "Travel to China Without Leaving Pennsylvania! © " 增强族裔自信从儿童开始! Visit www.mlccc.org today Please also share our camp information with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers, thanks. 咨询: info@mlccc.org 访问: www.mlccc.org